From: John Stone (
Date: Tue Aug 31 1999 - 09:16:59 CDT

> Ok, perhaps I've got it! The only thing to do to have fullscreen rendering
> is set the window size to values available in XF86Config: 640x480,
> 1024x768... so, could you please tell me where in the sources could I
> change the size of the GL display so I can test this?

If you're working with the current VMD source (i.e. VMD 1.4a5.src.tar.gz)
then you can simply edit the VMD startup script to tell it to use the
appropriate window size, alternately you could modify the window
creation/startup code if you like. The window creation code is all
in the file OpenGLDisplayDevice.C. Look at the function open_window()
and you'll find two parallel tracks of code, one for XForms builds of
VMD, and one for FLTK builds of VMD. The main difference between the
two versions of the code is that the XForms version (which is what you're
using presently) uses the fl_glwincreate() function to get the job done,
where the non-XForms version uses raw Xlib and GLX calls to do the job for
itself. The XForms version of the code may end up being difficult to make
work with fullscreen, I have no idea what you'd need to do there. You may
have an easier time hacking at the raw Xlib / GLX code if it gets to that
point, in which case you'll want to build VMD using FLTK instead of XForms.
(see if you're curious...)

  John Stone

Theoretical Biophysics Group   Email:
Beckman Institute    
University of Illinois         Phone:  (217) 244-3349
405 N. Mathews  Ave              FAX:  (217) 244-6078 
Urbana, IL 61801, USA          Unix Is Good For You!!!