From: Diego Gomes (
Date: Thu Apr 11 2024 - 10:14:05 CDT

Hi Dmitry,
this is unusual for a molecule with only ~6800 atoms. I can help you debug
if you share the molecule.

The temporary file location is hardcoded in C++, you may change at will but
you will need to recompile VMD.


On Thu, Apr 11, 2024 at 8:42 AM Dmitry Suplatov <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am having problems with ‘Surf’ as a “Drawing method” for proteins in VMD.
> So, I installed VMD 1.9.3 from this package -
> vmd-1.9.3.bin.LINUXAMD64-CUDA8-OptiX4-OSPRay111p1.opengl.tar.gz. However,
> with VMD 1.9.4a I have the same problem.
> I used a default sequence of commands to deploy the package. However, it
> is important to note that I *installed it to my local folder*, not the
> global one.
> tar xzf vmd-1.9.3.bin.LINUXAMD64-CUDA8-OptiX4-OSPRay111p1.opengl.tar.gz
> cd vmd-1.9.3/
> mcedit configure
> -> # Set these variables at the top of the script:
> -> #$install_bin_dir="$ENV{'HOME'}/vmd/bin";
> -> #$install_library_dir="$ENV{'HOME'}/vmd/lib/$install_name";
> ./configure
> cd src/
> make install
> export PATH=$HOME/vmd/bin/:$PATH
> Now I can run VMD using the ‘vmd’ command. When I load a pdb file and
> select ‘Surf’ as the ‘Drawing method’ the following happens - the
> 3D-viewer remains absolutely empty, I see this output in the bash command
> line of Linux, from which the vmd was launched:
> vmd > Reading 6882 atoms..done
> Probe radius = 1.400
> Constructing solvent-accessible surface ..
> Info) This surface is made with SURF from UNC-Chapel Hill. The reference
> is:
> Info) A. Varshney, F. P. Brooks, W. V. Wright, Linearly Scalable
> Computation
> Info) of Smooth Molecular Surfaces, IEEE Comp. Graphics and Applications,
> Info) v. 14 (1994) pp. 19-25.
> Info) Reading Surf geometry output file...
> Info) Read Surf output file, processing geometry...
> Info) Done.
> The next immediate action that I did was to investigate if the ‘surf’
> binary is correctly installed and set. So, while VMD was still running, I
> located the ‘surf_LINUXAMD64’ binary and renamed it:
> mv lib/vmd/surf_LINUXAMD64 lib/vmd/surf_LINUXAMD64_bak
> Then, I again selected ‘Surf’ as the ‘Drawing method’, and saw the
> following in the command line:
> vmd > sh: line 1: [my home folder]/vmd/lib/vmd/surf_LINUXAMD64: No such
> file or directory
> ERROR) Cannot read SURF output file: /tmp/
> Info) Done.
> So, this tells me that the ‘surf’ binary exists and VMD is recognizing it
> (i.e. it throws an error when such binary is renamed, and no error when its
> in place). But for unknown reason the ‘Surf’ representation still does not
> work.
> *Questions:*
> 1. *Did anyone experience this and knows how to solve this?*
> 2. *Perhaps, the problem is with the temporary folder that is used to
> exchange data between VMD and Surf binary. Is there any way to set this
> folder from /tmp to a specific location?*
> Thanks and all have a great day
> Dmitry

Diego Enry B. Gomes, PhD
Department of Physics at Auburn University &
NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Visualization
Leach Science Center - Ste. 3182 - Auburn, AL