From: Roni Saiba (
Date: Mon Jun 13 2022 - 02:06:32 CDT

I think your script is missing the alignment step prior to doing the
calculation. You can use the measure fit and moveby command to align
the trajectory to a reference of your choice. After the alignment is
complete you can measure the RMSD.

Quoting Leonardo Palmieri <>:

> Hi
> I'm using Calc. RMSD function of Timeline plugin to analyze
> trajectories. If I use it from the VMD GUI, results seems correct.
> But, if I use it in a script, for eg., the script proposed in titin
> Timeline tutorial "titin-per-res-rmsd.tcl" to generate a .tml file, I
> can't get the same results.
> RMSD values for some residues in some frames increases too much, not
> corresponding to what is happening in the molecule trajectory.
> The calculation part of the script that I'm using is the same from
> tutorial "titin-per-res-rmsd.tcl":
> ::timeline::writeDataFileHeader $outDataFile $molid $dataTitle $numFrames \
> $numSelectionGroups $usesFreeSelection
> set chain $theChain
> set seg $theSeg
> for {set r $firstRes} {$r <= $lastRes} {incr r} {
> set sela [atomselect $molid "resid $r"]
> set selb [atomselect $molid "resid $r"]
> $sela frame 0
> for {set f $firstFrame} {$f<=$lastFrame} {incr f} {
> $selb frame $f
> display update
> set val [measure rmsd $sela $selb]
> set resid $r
> puts $outDataFile "$resid $chain $seg $f $val"
> }
> eg of RMSD values:
> with GUI:
> 95 CYS frame 211: 6.64
> 95 CYS frame 212: 6.845
> with script:
> 95 CYS frame 211: 8.54
> 95 CYS frame 212: 20.75
> Is there something wrong with my script? Did I miss something?
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> att
> Leonardo Palmieri
> Pai de gente
> Pai de planta