From: Phillip Compeau (
Date: Fri Nov 26 2021 - 22:05:02 CST


I am integrating VMD into a publicly available assignment that I provide
to my course as well
(;!!DZ3fjg!pDclAv9hZA92L09-ahO0FM6uDcyFOGbfeoCQpKkV1Rz8lrsqL5MxWaVg_EjA4Hs4cg$ ).

As part of this, students are asked to, in the MultiSeq window, select
Tools -> STAMP alignment options -> ok to perform a STAMP alignment with
the default settings. However, this freezes for my students. At first I
thought this was Windows only but it seems to affect both Windows and Mac.

Thanks for your help! I'm not sure where else would make sense to report
this issue.


Phillip Compeau