From: zeynab hosseini (
Date: Wed Aug 04 2021 - 12:06:36 CDT

Dear all,

I already posted this question but nobody answered. I searched within the
forum to check if this issue has been solved before, but unsuccessful. I
post it again with the hope that somebody could guide me. Would be very
much appreciated..

Here is the question:

I want to do a test run for the molecular dynamics simulation of an amino
acid (AA) using Drude polarizable force field (FF). I picked ASP AA (
and used psfgen (vmd-1.9.4a51) to create ASP .psf and .pdb files compatible
with Drude FF. Initially, I performed the following script without the
terminal patches (first NTER; last CTER) and I noticed that some atoms
from the ASP terminals are missing. Then, I added the terminal patches as
follows, but the produced .pdb file ( ASP-p.pdb
 & ASP-p.psf
contains an extra Oxygen atom (and related lone-pair) located at the origin
which is far from the ASP itself.
package require psfgen
topology drude_toppar_2019/toppar_drude_master_protein_2019g.str
segment AP1 {
pdb ASP_autopsf.pdb
first NTER
last CTER
auto angles dihedrals
coordpdb ASP_autopsf.pdb AP1
writepdb ASP-p.pdb
writepsf ASP-p.psf

Here is the output for the script including the terminal patches:
rlwrap: Command not found.
/usr/local/lib/vmd/vmd_LINUXAMD64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ no
version information available (required by
Info) VMD for LINUXAMD64, version 1.9.4a51 (December 21, 2020)
Info) Email questions and bug reports to
Info) Please include this reference in published work using VMD:
Info) Humphrey, W., Dalke, A. and Schulten, K., `VMD - Visual
Info) Molecular Dynamics', J. Molec. Graphics 1996, 14.1, 33-38.
Info) -------------------------------------------------------------
Info) Multithreading available, 8 CPUs detected.
Info) CPU features: SSE2 SSE4.1 AVX AVX2 FMA F16 HT
Info) Free system memory: 4988MB (63%)
Info) No CUDA accelerator devices available.
Info) Dynamically loaded 3 plugins in directory:
Info) /usr/local/lib/vmd/plugins/LINUXAMD64/molfile
psfgen) reading topology file

psfgen) DRUDE master topology and parameter stream file
psfgen) Includes water, 2013
psfgen) Ions updated, June 2018
psfgen) Nucleic acid/carbohydrate/lipid update January 2017
psfgen) Opt molecular ions, fylin 2018
psfgen) Halogen and NBFIX terms, fylin 2018
psfgen) Updated protein FF with opt alpha/Thole, fylin 2018
psfgen) reading topology from stream file
psfgen) Topology for drude water, ions and proteins
psfgen) Created by CHARMM version 41
psfgen) cross-term entries present in topology definitions
psfgen) skipping parameters in stream file
psfgen) Drude polarizable FF parameters
psfgen) building segment AP1
psfgen) reading residues from pdb file ASP_autopsf.pdb
psfgen) extracted 1 residues from pdb file
psfgen) setting patch for first residue to NTER
psfgen) setting patch for last residue to CTER
psfgen) enabling angle autogeneration
psfgen) enabling dihedral autogeneration
Info: generating structure...
psfgen) Info: skipping bond C-N at beginning of segment.
psfgen) Info: skipping improper N-C-CA-HN at beginning of segment.
psfgen) Info: skipping improper C-CA-N-O at beginning of segment.
psfgen) Info: skipping cross-term C-N-CA-C-N-CA-C-N at beginning of segment.
psfgen) Info: skipping conformation CA-C-N-CA at beginning of segment.
psfgen) Info: skipping conformation N-CA-C-O at beginning of segment.
psfgen) Info: skipping conformation N-CA-C-N at beginning of segment.
psfgen) Info: skipping conformation C-N-CA-C at beginning of segment.
psfgen) Info: skipping conformation C-CA-N-HN at beginning of segment.

segment complete.
psfgen) reading coordinates from pdb file ASP_autopsf.pdb for segment AP1
psfgen) Info: guessing coordinates for 3 atoms (1 non-hydrogen)
psfgen) Info: guessing coordinates for 8 lonepairs
psfgen) Warning: failed to guess coordinates for 3 atoms
psfgen) Info: writing pdb file ASP-p.pdb
psfgen) Info: pdb file complete.
psfgen) Info: writing psf file ASP-p.psf
psfgen) total of 36 atoms
psfgen) total of 10 drude particles
psfgen) total of 4 anisotropy entries
psfgen) total of 8 lone pairs
psfgen) total of 32 bonds
psfgen) total of 24 angles
psfgen) total of 30 dihedrals
psfgen) total of 2 impropers
psfgen) total of 0 explicit exclusions
psfgen) Structure requires EXTended PSF format
psfgen) total of 0 cross-terms
psfgen) Info: psf file complete.
vmd >


The relate lines of .pdb are as following:

REMARK original generated coordinate pdb file
ATOM 1 N ASP A 201 54.031 29.991 188.076 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 2 DN ASP A 201 54.031 29.991 188.076 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 3 HT1 ASP A 201 54.797 30.563 188.371 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 4 HT2 ASP A 201 53.531 29.653 188.874 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 5 HT3 ASP A 201 53.418 30.519 187.488 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 6 CA ASP A 201 54.552 28.848 187.319 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 7 DCA ASP A 201 54.552 28.848 187.319 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 8 HA ASP A 201 55.030 29.254 186.434 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 9 C ASP A 201 53.431 27.920 186.831 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 10 DC ASP A 201 53.431 27.920 186.831 1.00 0.00 AP1

*ATOM 11 O ASP A 201 0.000 0.000 0.000 -1.00 0.00
 AP1 OATOM 12 DO ASP A 201 0.000 0.000 0.000 -1.00 0.00
   AP1 OATOM 13 LPOA ASP A 201 0.000 0.000 0.000 -1.00 0.00
     AP1 HATOM 14 LPOB ASP A 201 0.000 0.000 0.000 -1.00
 0.00 AP1 H*
ATOM 15 OT1 ASP A 201 52.551 28.286 187.132 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 16 DOT1 ASP A 201 52.551 28.286 187.132 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 17 OT2 ASP A 201 53.836 27.160 186.323 1.00 0.00 AP1
ATOM 18 DOT2 ASP A 201 53.836 27.160 186.323 1.00 0.00 AP1

Would you kindly guide me on what is wrong?

All the best,