VMD-L Mailing List
From: Prof. Eddie (eackad_at_siue.edu)
Date: Tue Mar 09 2021 - 13:00:06 CST
- Next message: Raisa Carmen Andeme Ela: "Re: Solvating with Pre-equilibration ethanol box"
- Previous message: Pawel Kedzierski: "Re: fftk wat. opt. when charges overlap"
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Hi all,
I am still following this
to perform the psfgen on the console so I can insert a mutate command.
However, as I run the script and generate the pdb and psf I get atoms
defined in charmm36m but then some of the basic dihedrals are missing when
I check with fftk. To test it I just run it without any mutate. I still get
dihedrals that are missing parameters such as
but no missing bonds or angles. I've tried using just the prm files as well
as all the prm and str files but fftk still says that I am missing those
I've added the aliasing from psfgen and the complete script is below. Any
ideas on my mistake?
#Log the procedure
set outname "orig"
psfgen_logfile "psfgen_${outname}.log"
package require psfgen
topology ../toppar_c36_jul20/top_all36_cgenff.rtf
topology ../toppar_c36_jul20/top_all36_carb.rtf
topology ../toppar_c36_jul20/top_all36_lipid.rtf
topology ../toppar_c36_jul20/top_all36_prot.rtf
topology ../toppar_c36_jul20/top_interface.rtf
topology ../toppar_c36_jul20/stream/prot/toppar_all36_prot_heme.str
topology ../toppar_c36_jul20/toppar_water_ions.str
##### the following was taken from
pdbalias residue G GUA
pdbalias residue C CYT
pdbalias residue A ADE
pdbalias residue T THY
pdbalias residue U URA
foreach bp { GUA CYT ADE THY URA } {
pdbalias atom $bp "O5\*" O5'
pdbalias atom $bp "C5\*" C5'
pdbalias atom $bp "O4\*" O4'
pdbalias atom $bp "C4\*" C4'
pdbalias atom $bp "C3\*" C3'
pdbalias atom $bp "O3\*" O3'
pdbalias atom $bp "C2\*" C2'
pdbalias atom $bp "O2\*" O2'
pdbalias atom $bp "C1\*" C1'
pdbalias atom ILE CD1 CD
pdbalias atom SER HG HG1
pdbalias residue HIS HSD
# Heme aliases
pdbalias residue HEM HEME
pdbalias atom HEME "N A" NA
pdbalias atom HEME "N B" NB
pdbalias atom HEME "N C" NC
pdbalias atom HEME "N D" ND
# Water aliases
pdbalias residue HOH TIP3
pdbalias atom TIP3 O OH2
# Ion aliases
pdbalias residue K POT
pdbalias atom K K POT
pdbalias residue ICL CLA
pdbalias atom ICL CL CLA
pdbalias residue INA SOD
pdbalias atom INA NA SOD
pdbalias residue CA CAL
pdbalias atom CA CA CAL
# Other aliases
pdbalias atom LYS 1HZ HZ1
pdbalias atom LYS 2HZ HZ2
pdbalias atom LYS 3HZ HZ3
pdbalias atom ARG 1HH1 HH11
pdbalias atom ARG 2HH1 HH12
pdbalias atom ARG 1HH2 HH21
pdbalias atom ARG 2HH2 HH22
pdbalias atom ASN 1HD2 HD21
pdbalias atom ASN 2HD2 HD22
segment P1 {
pdb apo_protein.pdb
first NTER
last CTER
coordpdb apo_protein.pdb P1
writepdb "p450_prot_apo_${outname}.pdb"
writepsf "p450_prot_apo_${outname}.psf"
psfgen_logfile close
-- _________________________________________________________ Edward Ackad, Ph.D <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.siue.edu/*7Eeackad__;JQ!!DZ3fjg!tkwHziiIbryQxSGXDlohYJGT3Vmzs_cjljXcnn9psgG_j_GNquESPtqVtTKjBVx6fA$ > Associate Professor of Physics Computational Nanophotonics Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (618) 650-2390
- Next message: Raisa Carmen Andeme Ela: "Re: Solvating with Pre-equilibration ethanol box"
- Previous message: Pawel Kedzierski: "Re: fftk wat. opt. when charges overlap"
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