VMD-L Mailing List
From: Vlastimil ZÃma (zima_at_karlov.mff.cuni.cz)
Date: Wed Nov 27 2013 - 10:11:34 CST
- Next message: Andrews, Casey: "RE: Speeding up the VDW drawing method and Tachyon rendering process"
- Previous message: Robert Wohlhueter: "Re: vmd-1.9.1 broken after upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10"
- In reply to: Vlastimil Zíma: "Re: Persistent troubles with tk fonts"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Persistent troubles with tk fonts"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Persistent troubles with tk fonts"
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Hi everybody,
wheezy became stable, but I still experience this problem.
Anyway, I now suggests this may not be a problem of fonts, but rather
colors. I tried to check the error output, see my previous post
http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/mailing_list/vmd-l/19942.html and I
have an impression that fonts might be properly rendered but they are over
painted by some other invalid entity (images or colored blocks).
Is there any other Tk-related build/runtime dependency that is not mention
in documentation?
2012/10/5 Vlastimil ZÃma <zima_at_karlov.mff.cuni.cz>
> Hi,
> when I compared my compiled VMD with precompiled binary some time ago, the
> fonts were present in the precompiled one. That is why I expect problems in
> compilation. I also did not noticed any lack of fonts in system paths, but
> I do not know which fonts to look for.
> > tclsh
> % package require Tk
> 8.5.11
> % puts "$tcl_version"
> 8.5
> % puts "$tk_version"
> 8.5
> All tcl and tk packages I have are for amd64 bit architecture (all
> libraries are in /usr/lib). Specifically
> http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/tcl8.5 version 8.5.11-2
> http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/tk8.5 version 8.5.11-2
> Regards,
> Vlastimil
> On 10/05/2012 04:08 PM, John Stone wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Problems with Tk fonts are generally caused not by the compilation of
>> VMD (or FLTK) but are usually the result of a lack of fonts installed
>> with the X11 Windowing system. Tk obtains its fonts by querying the
>> host windowing system for fonts that match the characteristics of a
>> request.
>> If the host windowing system has no match, then Tk tries to fallback to
>> some font that is available.
>> From the description below, it sounds to me like there might be something
>> amiss the X11 window system fonts or one of the X11 libraries on the
>> machine
>> you're using, and that this is preventing the Tk library embedded in
>> VMD from getting anything other than the default font.
>> Since you're able to get a simple test to work in a standalone
>> interpreter,
>> one thing that may be worth checking is whether there might be some
>> problem with the 64-bit libs on your machine. Is the "tclsh" that you
>> run in your example below a 32-bit or 64-bit library? What do you get
>> from this command, when you run it in your tclsh:
>> puts "$tcl_version"
>> puts "$tk_version"
>> Cheers,
>> John Stone
>> vmd_at_ks.uiuc.edu
>> On Thu, Oct 04, 2012 at 11:07:03AM +0200, Vlastimil ZÃma wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> after several attempts I still can not resolve troubles with tk
>>> fonts when
>>> I compile VMD.
>>> I am using 64bit Debian with following vmd configuration:
>>> and tk packages:
>>> libfltk1.3-dev 1.3.0-8 (I also tried fltk1.1)
>>> tcl-dev 8.5.0-2
>>> tk-dev 8.5.0-2
>>> Still timeline, sequence viewer and other plugins which uses
>>> customized
>>> fonts has invisible texts. I tried anything I found on this mailing
>>> list,
>>> including LC_ALL=C in environment and $HOME/.tkconrc file. I also
>>> tried a
>>> simple script with uses custom font based on code of timeline which
>>> works:
>>> > tclsh
>>> package require Tk
>>> font create tkFixedTimeline -family Courier -size -12
>>> ttk::label .l -text "Attention!" -font tkFixedTimeline
>>> grid .l -row 0
>>> This shows nice small box with monofont "Attention!" in it.
>>> I will be glad for any help which would help to resolve this problem.
>>> Vlastimil
- Next message: Andrews, Casey: "RE: Speeding up the VDW drawing method and Tachyon rendering process"
- Previous message: Robert Wohlhueter: "Re: vmd-1.9.1 broken after upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10"
- In reply to: Vlastimil Zíma: "Re: Persistent troubles with tk fonts"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Persistent troubles with tk fonts"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Persistent troubles with tk fonts"
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