VMD-L Mailing List
From: Albert (mailmd2011_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jan 20 2012 - 03:54:32 CST
- Next message: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: is it possible to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens?"
- Previous message: vaneeta bala: "(no subject)"
- Next in thread: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: is it possible to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens?"
- Reply: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: is it possible to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens?"
- Reply: poker_at_physics.usyd.edu.au: "Re: is it possible to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens?"
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I am going to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens but I only find the option
'noh' which hide all the hydrogens.... Is it possible to show the polar
- Next message: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: is it possible to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens?"
- Previous message: vaneeta bala: "(no subject)"
- Next in thread: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: is it possible to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens?"
- Reply: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: is it possible to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens?"
- Reply: poker_at_physics.usyd.edu.au: "Re: is it possible to hide ONLY non-polar hydrogens?"
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