Date: Thu Feb 03 2011 - 01:30:15 CST

There is certainly a reason for the specific 323 k, which is explained in
detail in the original MARTINI force field. Best agreement with atomistic
simulation is obtained in that temperature.


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Sibel Cakan <> wrote:

> Dear all
> I’m trying to run a residue-based CG MD simulation with NAMD for a system
> which includes waters, proteins, and a lipid bilayer.I have used some
> different protocols for stabilization like heating which starts 30K and
> reaches 323K.When I used lower temperatures like 290-300K,the simulation
> goes more.I know the natural environment temperature of protein is 310K but
> most people is used 323K for CG simulations.I do not know what is the
> correct temperature,can i use 300K(or low) for CG simulations?
> Thanks
> Sibel