From: hirdesh kumar (
Date: Tue Aug 24 2010 - 23:38:00 CDT

I did the same mistake in my starting

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:38 AM, NG HUI WEN <>wrote:

> Thanks a lot for the suggestion guys, much appreciated! Indeed I loaded
> the structure and trajectory files separately. Got it to work now. Cheers!!
> HW
> *From:* Tim Travers []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:26 PM
> *To:* NG HUI WEN
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: vmd-l: Structure won't move after loading trajectory
> > I have a structure NVT.gro and a trajectory NVT.trr (500 frames). After
> loading
> > the structure through file > new molecule > “browse” in molecule file
> browser,
> > I did the same thing to load the trajectory.
> Hi there,
> Based on the above statement, it seems that you loaded the structure and
> trajectory files as two separate molecules. What you want to do is load the
> trajectory such that its frames are "added" to the structure file. The
> following
> section of the VMD user's guide:
> should indicate how to do this; the key here is setting the "Load files
> for:"
> field. The result should be that both files will be loaded into VMD as one
> molecule, and not as two separate molecules.
> Hope this helps,
> Tim
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Thanks and Regards,
Hirdesh Kumar
PhD Scholar
School of Biological Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Hauz Khaas, New Delhi-16