From: Nicolas SAPAY (
Date: Wed Aug 19 2009 - 04:59:45 CDT

Thanks for the answer

> On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 09:22 +0200, Nicolas SAPAY wrote:
>> Hello,
> salut nicolas,
>> I'm trying to render a scene with Tachyon. When I use the following
>> command:
>> render Tachyon ./img/molecule_0.dat
>> VMD correctly generates the .dat file, but the tachyon command is not
>> executed and no picture is rendered. To render the picture, I have to
> this is the expected behavior.
>> execute the command manually:
>> exec /home/software/vmd-1.8.7/lib/tachyon_LINUXAMD64 -aasamples 12
>> -auto_skylight 0.8 ./img/molecule_0.dat -format TARGA -o
>> ./img/molecule_0.dat.tga
> right. however, with the new materials and display settings
> that control all these flags from within VMD, there is little
> reason to call the tachyon externally, but rather enable the
> proper flags and use the TachyonInternal renderer.

I was persuaded it was not possible to control the ambient occlusion
within VMD, but I realize there is a new flag available with the render
  aosamples method samples

I'm not sure to understand exactly what its purpose is. Does it control
the amount of light coming from the ambient lightning?

>> I can perfectly live with that, but I'd like to understand where the
>> problem comes from. Note that if I execute something like that:
>> exec [render options Tachyon]
>> the exec fails with a "file not found" error.
> there is no problem. you should have a closer look at the
> user's guide. also, the "file not found" error makes perfect
> sense, as you are not correctly grokking tcl syntax. everything
> in square brackets is evaluated as a tcl command using the
> return value of the command text within the square brackets.
> so whatever return value the render command produces, the
> exec command tries to run as executable, which does not exist.

My mistake, I didn't check the TCL manual first.


> cheers,
> axel.
>> Cheers,
>> Nicolas
> --
> Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
> Research Associate Professor
> Institute for Computational Molecular Science
> College of Science and Technology
> Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.

[ Nicolas Sapay - Post-Doctoral Fellow ]
BP53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9, France
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 03 76 44/53