From: J. Rui Rodrigues (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 11:47:03 CST

I'm having problems with VMD1.8 for Windows (Windows2000).
When I select Cartoon representation, I get the following message:
ERROR) Unable to find Stride output file: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\8
ERROR) Stride::read_stride_record: unable to read output file from Stride
ERROR) Call to Stride program failed.

There is no such file in the directory, but there is a file named "7", which
is a pdb...
I also could not use surface representation:

ERROR) Cannot read SURF output file: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1
Info) Done.

.. and neither render the molecule with Tachyon:

Info) Rendering current scene to 'plot.dat' ...
Info) Tachyon file generation finished
Info) Executing post-render cmd '"C:\Program Files\University of
Illinois\VMD\tachyon_WIN32.exe" -aasamples 2 -mediumshade plot.dat -format
BMP -o plot.dat.bmp'...
Info) Rendering complete.

VMD writes the plot.dat file, but there is no plot.dat.bmp.
How can I fix this?
Rui Rodrigues