VMD-L Mailing List
From: Saladino, Alex (saladinoac_at_msx.upmc.edu)
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 11:51:10 CST
- Next message: Patrick Ladam: "'topology' command crashes vmd 1.8 (LINUX)"
- Previous message: Tru Huynh: "Re: Suggested graphic card :: LINUX"
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I am a new user to VMD and NAMD so this maybe obvious.
I have a question about CatDCD. I used catdcd with the stride 100 command
to join three dcd files together. Before using the catdcd command there was
a total of 7998 frames. After I used catdcd there was 80 frames. Using VMD,
I went to the 60th frame and wrote out the pdb file for this frame.
Later I decided to used catdcd on these same three dcd files but with stride
1000 instead. This produced 8 frames. Again, using VMD I went to the 6th
frame and wrote the pdb for this frame. I assumed that these two pdb files
would be identical. They weren't.
Is there something I missed or did incorrectly?
Thank you for you time.
Alexander C. Saladino, PhD
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Pittsburgh
- Next message: Patrick Ladam: "'topology' command crashes vmd 1.8 (LINUX)"
- Previous message: Tru Huynh: "Re: Suggested graphic card :: LINUX"
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