VMD-L Mailing List
From: Emeline Leproult (leproult_at_igbmc.fr)
Date: Mon Feb 02 2009 - 09:57:02 CST
- Next message: Andres Morales N: "rmsd matrix"
- Previous message: Javier Goicochea: "Re: ANGLES and DIHEDRALS ... location in VMD code?"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Link between the electrostatic potential on the surface and the grid.dx generated by APBS"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Link between the electrostatic potential on the surface and the grid.dx generated by APBS"
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Dear VMD developers,
After a run of APBS, how is the electrostatic potential mapped on the
surface ?
How do you translate the electrostatic potential information (contained in
each point of the grid .dx generated by APBS) on the surface ? Do you
simply map the electrostatic potential of the nearest point of the grid
on a given surface coordinate ? Or is it more complicated ?
Perhaps you use the multivalue.exe (or multivalue.o) in APBS/tools to do
this job ?
Thanks in advance for your explanation,
- Next message: Andres Morales N: "rmsd matrix"
- Previous message: Javier Goicochea: "Re: ANGLES and DIHEDRALS ... location in VMD code?"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Link between the electrostatic potential on the surface and the grid.dx generated by APBS"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Link between the electrostatic potential on the surface and the grid.dx generated by APBS"
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