From: Marcela Madrid (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 13:58:57 CST


I have installed raster 3D on my PC and I tried rendering
an image from VMD. It seems it worked since it says "Rendering complete"
and I get a file called plot.r3d
Now how do I visualize this file? I am using xv but it thinks it is
a text file. Actually the file looks like a text file, such as:

r3d input script^M
126 121 tiles in x,y^M
4 4 computing pixels per tile^M
4 alti-aliasing scheme 4; 3x3 -> 2x2^M
0.00 0.00 0.00 background color^M
T shadows on^M
20 Phong power^M
1.00 secondary light contribution^M
0.10 ambient light contribution^M
0.50 specular reflection component^M
   0.67 Eye position^M
1 0 0 main light source position^M
1 0 0 0 global xform matrix^M
0 1 0 0^M
0 0 1 0^M
0 0 0 3.000^M

Does this mean it worked or not? thanks, Marcela