From: Dongsheng Zhang (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2008 - 22:44:32 CDT

Hi, VMD users,

I tried to use pbc join bonded to prevent the break of bonded molecule
due to periodic boundary condition. My procedure is as follows:

1. load the molecule
2. in VMD console, type: package require pbctools
3 type pbc join bonded -all, then VMD gives me:

usage: pbc <command> [args...]

Setting/getting PBC information:
  set $cell [options...]
  get [options...]
  readxst $xstfile [options...]

Drawing a box:
  box [options...]

(Un)Wrapping atoms:
  wrap [options...]
  unwrap [options...]

It looks like that "join" is not a valid subcommand for pbc. Have I
missed anything? Thank you for your help!

All the best!
