From: Alan Wilter Sousa da Silva (
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 10:20:05 CDT


        I know that with Molscript you can create Raster3d input file
which can be read by VMD.

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, John Stone wrote:

> Dear Anna,
> I believe that this was produced with another program, its an old picture
> that predates my working here, so no idea what they used for it. If I were
> to guess, I'd say it probably got created with molscript or ribbons?
> There were some old comments in the VMD source code that indicated that
> someone once had a VMD hack that used the Ribbons program to create
> geometry that was then read into VMD, but I've never seen that work,
> so I'm not sure. It could simply be a picture created by another
> program that was mis-filed in that directory. I'll have to ask the
> sysadmin about that page, as it is not managed by the VMD developers.
> Thanks,
> John Stone
> On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 09:40:17PM +0200, Anna Aagaard wrote:
> > Which drawing method is used in the first picture (of bacteriorhodopsin) in
> > the image gallery found on this page? I can't seem to get the smooth
> > connections between tube and ribbon and the ribbons don't look like that
> > whichever setting i use for thickness etc.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Anna Aagaard

Alan Wilter S. da Silva
 Laboratório de Física Biológica
  Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
   Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
    Rio de Janeiro, Brasil