Participant Profile

There were 16 participants in the workshop, with five additional invited participants dropping out just prior to the workshop due to poor weather conditions impacting travel. A distribution of education is provided in Table 1 and of affiliation in Table 2, while Table 3 lists participant names, organizations, and reported current level of education.

Education/Position      Number
Doctorate 3
Postdoctoral Associate 7
Graduate Student 5
Undergraduate 1
Total 16

Table 1: Breakdown of Participants and their current educational standing.
Location Number
Academic 16

Table 2: Distribution of types of participant work locations.

Name Institute Education/Position
Keith Cassidy University of Illinois Graduate Student
Yi-Wei Chang California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Associate
Feng Chen Purdue University Research Scientist
Yana Gofman Stanford University Postdoctoral Associate
Ryan Jackson Montana State University Postdoctoral Associate
Qiu-Xing Jiang University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Faculty/Professorial
Peter Kraft Harvard University Undergraduate
Chuang Liu University of Pittsburgh Postdoctoral Associate
Dmitry Lyumkis The Scripps Research Institute Postdoctoral Associate
Greg Pintilie Baylor College of Medicine Research Scientist
Ivan Teo University of Illinois Graduate Student
Elitza Tocheva California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Associate
Lige Tonggu University of Washington Graduate Student
Hang Yu University of Illinois Graduate Student
Kaiming Zhang University of Peking Graduate Student
Minglei Zhao Stanford University Postdoctoral Associate

Table 3: Participant Names, Organizations, and Education