Participant Profile

There were 23 participants in the workshop, with non-local participants selected from a body of 58 applications. A distribution of education is provided in Table 1 and of affiliation in Table 2, while Table 3 lists participant names, organizations, and reported current level of education.

Education      Number
Doctorate 1
Postdoctoral Associate 6
Graduate Student 14
Masters Student 2
Total 23

Table 1: Breakdown of Participants and their current educational standing.
Location Number
Academic 20
Non-profit 3

Table 2: Distribution of types of participant work locations.


Name Organization Education
Ting-Lan Chiu University of Minnesota Postdoctoral Associate
Jun Feng West Virginia University Postdoctoral Associate
Xinxin Feng University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign PhD Student
Albrecht Goez University of Munster, Germany PhD Student
Anastasiia Golius Jackson State University PhD Student
Stephen Holmes University of Richmond Masters Student
Suvamay Jana University of Kentucky PhD Student
Anne Kjr Laustsen Aarhus University, Denmark PhD Student
Thiruvillamalai Mahadevan The Methodist Hospital Research Institute Postdoctoral Associate
S. Samaneh Mesbahi University of California at Irvine PhD Student
Lam Nguyen California Institute of Technology Postdoctoral Associate
Rahul Nori University of North Dakota PhD Student
Ajith Rajapaksha Purdue University PhD Student
Chola Regmi Florida International University PhD Student
Charles Reilly Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia PhD Student
Jason Roberts WHO Regional Poliomyelitis Reference Laboratory, Australia PhD Student
Oleg Starovoytov Southern University Postdoctoral Associate
Mahendra Thapa University of Cincinnati PhD Student
Mark Verdecia Janelia Farm Research Campus Postdoctoral Associate
Ting Wang University of California at Davis PhD
Kai Zhang Institute of Biophysics, China PhD Student
Xia Zhang University of Minnesota PhD Student
Kaifeng Zhou Yale University MA/MS Degree

Table 3: Participant Names, Organizations, and Education