Tutorial-l Mailing List
From: Hyundeok Song (songhk_at_email.uc.edu)
Date: Mon May 12 2008 - 10:53:36 CDT
- Next message: JC Gumbart: "Re: the button on the labled AS"
- Previous message: JC Gumbart: "Re: RMSD for water sphere simulation of ubiquitin in tutorial"
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Hi My name is Hyun.
I have a question about NAMD tutorial - p46. (October 2007)
I followed below steps.
In order to plot the data, you can use xmgrace.
* 6 Open xmgrace.
* 7 Choose the Data → Import → ASCII menu item. Select the file TEMP.dat You should see a black trace. This is a plot of the temperature over time.
* 8 To look at the distribution of points, you will make a histogram with this data. Choose the Data → Transformations → Histograms. . . menu item.
In the Source → Set window, click on the first line, in order to make a histogram of the data you just loaded.
* 9 Click on the Normalize option, and fill in Start: 300, Stop at: 330, and # of bins 100. Click Apply.
* 10 You created a plot, but you cannot see it yet. Use the right button of your mouse to click on the first set (in the Source → Set window).
That's fine. but I couldn't get below. I couldn't find the button labeled AS. Please help me...where is the button labeled AS.
--> Click on Hide. Now, go to the Main window and click on the button labeled AS, that will resize the plot to fit the existing values. This is your distribution of temperatures.
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- Next message: JC Gumbart: "Re: the button on the labled AS"
- Previous message: JC Gumbart: "Re: RMSD for water sphere simulation of ubiquitin in tutorial"
- Next in thread: JC Gumbart: "Re: the button on the labled AS"
- Reply: JC Gumbart: "Re: the button on the labled AS"
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