From: Nuno Loureiro Ferreira (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2007 - 12:12:56 CDT

You can try on that machine running vmd with no GUI.
If you want, try the following:
vmd -dispdev text
mol new file.psf
mol addfile file.dcd waitfor all
set sel1 [atomselect top "something"]
set sel2 [atomselect top "something"]
source num_contact.tcl
num_contact.tcl 0 $sel1 $sel2 3 file.out


sally cii wrote:
> Dear all,
> Thank you for all your responses, I will read the grep-like utility
> script and try to use pure tcl command to accomplish grep.
> As I also tried to use VMD on Unix, I installed VMD on IBM machine
> (successfully) (the national HPCx), and used exceed to access
> X-window, however, I found it's much slower to load the trajectory on
> unix than that on windows which I suspect should not be the case. Can
> I ask is it normal?
> Thanks in advance!
> Sally Cii