From: Vlad Cojocaru (
Date: Mon Feb 05 2007 - 11:31:50 CST

Dear Alexandr,

Thanks ... Well I know Tachyon does it well .. I was just curious
whether one can do it with povray as well...


Alexandr Isayev wrote:

>Dear Vlad,
>Tachyon worked fine for me (under WinXP). However I rendered with older version of
>VMD, it might be also older of Tachyon as well.
>Monday, February 5, 2007, 10:58:48 AM, you wrote:
>VC> Dear VMD users,
>VC> While Alex's script to draw time bars along trajectories in VMD is very
>VC> nice, I noticed that not all the renderers can actualy make a picture of
>VC> it. Tachyon does render the bar without redering the labels while povray
>VC> doesnt render neither the bar nor the labels. Of course, the labels are
>VC> not so important, one should add them anyway with another program but it
>VC> would be nice if all renderers (or at least these 2 :) would render the
>VC> bar. I use both Tachyon and povray for rendering depending on the
>VC> representations I have for my structure ...So, I was wondering whether
>VC> anybody has tried to render the time bar or other vmd added graphics
>VC> with povray. Is there anyway how to do that?
>VC> Best wishes
>VC> Vlad
>Alexandr Isayev,
>Graduate Research Assistant, and System Administrator
>@ Computational Center for Molecular Structure
>and Interactions (CCMSI),
>Jackson State University,
>Jackson, MS USA
> Tel: +(601) 979-1134
>e-mail: alex(at)
> Web:

Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
EML Research gGmbH
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