From: Myunggi Yi (
Date: Tue Nov 21 2006 - 09:47:43 CST

Dear vmd users,

I'm running a script using text mode.

The script quit too early.
The following is my script.

vmd -dispdev text -eofexit < closest.scr > vmd.log

source set-chain.tcl
set sel1 [atomselect 0 "resname HMT"]
set sel2 [atomselect 0 "noh and resid 27 to 37"]
closest $sel1 $sel2 closest-hmt.dat

# loading trajectory
mol load parm7 hmt-in.parm7
mol addfile org1-10.trj type crdbox first 250 last 999 step 1
mol addfile org11-15.trj type crdbox

# setup chain ID for helices
[atomselect 0 "resid 1 to 27"] set chain A
[atomselect 0 "resid 28 to 54"] set chain B
[atomselect 0 "resid 55 to 81"] set chain C
[atomselect 0 "resid 82 to 108"] set chain D

# change resid according to the first unit
foreach a_list [[atomselect 0 "chain A"] get resid] {
    set new_list [expr $a_list + 20]
    lappend res_list $new_list
[atomselect 0 "chain A"] set resid $res_list
[atomselect 0 "chain B"] set resid $res_list
[atomselect 0 "chain C"] set resid $res_list
foreach a_list [[atomselect 0 "chain D"] get resid] {
    set new_list [expr $a_list - 61]
    lappend b_list $new_list
[atomselect 0 "chain D"] set resid $b_list
# Usage: source
# set sel1 [atomselect 0 "resname HMT"]
# set sel2 [atomselect 0 "noh and resid 27 to 37"]
# closest $sel1 $sel2 closest-hmt.dat

proc closest { sel1 sel2 file } {
    set fout [open $file w]
    set nf [molinfo [$sel1 molid] get numframes]
    set list1 [$sel1 list]
    set list2 [$sel2 list]
    set rilist [$sel2 get resid]
    set nlist1 [$sel1 get name]
    set nlist2 [$sel2 get name]

    # find distances between each pair
    for { set i 0 } { $i < $nf } { incr i } {
        $sel1 frame $i
        $sel2 frame $i
        set crd1 [$sel1 get {x y z}]
        set crd2 [$sel2 get {x y z}]
        set min 1000.0

        foreach atom1 $crd1 id1 $list1 {
            foreach atom2 $crd2 id2 $list2 {
                set dist [veclength [vecsub $atom2 $atom1]]
                if {$dist < $min} then {
                    set min $dist
                    set clidx1 $id1
                    set clidx2 $id2
        puts $fout "[expr ($i + 1)*10] [lindex $nlist1 [lsearch -exact
$list1 $clidx1]] [lindex $rilist [lsearch -exact $list2 $clidx2]]
[lindex $nlist2 [lsearch -exact $list2 $clidx2]] $min"
    close $fout

This generated result with only a few snap shots.

10 H13 30 O 2.55249404907
20 H1 35 N 2.5135371685
30 H2 31 CA 2.72125959396
40 H1 35 N 2.57328534126
50 H12 31 O 2.73753976822
60 H9 31 OG 2.11878705025

When I run "" with GUI mode after loading trajectory,
It worked and generated results with all snap shots.

Do you have any idea?
What is wrong with my script?

Best wishes,
KLB 419
Institute of Molecular Biophysics
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Office: (850) 645-1334