From: Turman, Cheri M (
Date: Wed Mar 29 2006 - 19:34:29 CST

Hi all,
I am having trouble with the rmsd-fullthrottle.tcl script. I am able to run the residue_rmsd.tcl script but not this one. I really would like to show B values by the coloring method in VMD from a simulated annealing trajectory I ran in NAMD. I have the .dcd, .pdb and .psf files loaded in VMD and next go to the tcl script page. I type: source rmsd-fullthrottle.tcl and get the output: Calculating rmsd for frame 0 ...
measure rmsd: No atoms selected

Here is the rmsd-fullthrottle.tcl script I am calling:

# $Id: rmsd-fullthrottle.tcl,v 1.3 2005/03/29 17:58:52 sotomayo Exp $

# This script contains a procedure called rmsd_residue_over_time that calculates the average RMSD for each residue in a selection over all frames in a trajectory. The procedure is called as:
# rmsd_residue_over_time mol sel_resid
#where mol is the molecule in VMD and sel_resid is a list of the residue numbers in that selection.

#You can use the procedure for any residue or list of residues. Here, as an example, we will make a selection for all residues in the protein. Note that this will take a long time to calculate:

set sel_resid [[atomselect top "protein and alpha"] get resid]

#The procedure is presented below. It also sets the B value to the value calculated, so you can color the protein by RMSD. The call for the procedure is at the end of the file.

proc rmsd_residue_over_time {{mol top} res} {

    # use frame 0 for the reference
    set reference [atomselect $mol "protein" frame 0]
    # the frame being compared
    set compare [atomselect $mol "protein"]
    #make a selection with all atoms
    set all [atomselect top all]
    #get the number of frames
    set num_steps [molinfo $mol get numframes]
    foreach r $res {
        set rmsd($r) 0
    #loop over all frames in the trajectory
    for {set frame 0} {$frame < $num_steps} {incr frame} {
        puts "Calculating rmsd for frame $frame ..."
        # get the correct frame
        $compare frame $frame
        $all frame $frame
        # compute the transformation
        set trans_mat [measure fit $compare $reference]
        # do the alignment
        $all move $trans_mat
        # compute the RMSD
        #loop through all residues
        foreach r $res {
            set ref [atomselect $mol "chain U and resid $r and noh" frame 0]
            set comp [atomselect $mol "chain U and resid $r and noh" frame $frame]
            set rmsd($r) [expr $rmsd($r) + [measure rmsd $comp $ref]]
            $comp delete
            $ref delete
    set ave 0
        foreach r $res {
            set rmsd($r) [expr $rmsd($r)/$num_steps]
            # print the RMSD
            puts "RMSD of residue $r is $rmsd($r)"
            set res_b [atomselect $mol "resid $r"]
            $res_b set beta $rmsd($r)
            $res_b delete
            set ave [expr $ave + $rmsd($r)]
    set ave [expr $ave/[llength $res]]
    puts " Average rmsd per residue: $ave"

#Call the procedure

rmsd_residue_over_time top $sel_resid

Has anyone seen a problem in the script or know of a better way?