From: Vlad Cojocaru (
Date: Fri Dec 16 2005 - 09:24:58 CST

Dear vmd users,

   I ran into problems trying to view the graphic of a bond distance
over time using the Label-Graph option in vmd Graphics menu. It looks
like vmd is trying to access xmgrace via an unknown grace option (see
error below). I have Grace 5.99.0 installed on my system. I suppose
that this is due to inconsistencies between vmd and newer versions of
Grace. Is there a way to fix this?

I tested both vmd 1.8.3 and vmd 1.8.4a22

No option -pipe
Usage of xmgrace command line arguments:
-autoscale [x|y|xy|none] Set autoscale type
-barebones Turn off all toolbars
-block [block_data] Assume data file is block data
-bxy [x:y:etc.] Form a set from the current block
data set
                                        using the current set type from
                                        given in the argument
-datehint [iso|european|us
            |days|seconds|nohint] Set the hint for dates analysis
                                        (it is only a hint for the parser)
-dpipe [descriptor] Read data from descriptor on startup
-fixed [width] [height] Set canvas size fixed to width*height
-free Use free page layout
-hardcopy No interactive session, just print and
-hdevice [hardcopy_device_name] Set default hardcopy device
-hdevice-options [option_string] Set options for default hardcopy
-install Install private colormap
-noask Assume the answer is yes to all
requests -
                                        if the operation would overwrite
a file,
                                        grace will do so without prompting
-noinstall Don't use private colormap
-noprint In batch mode, do not print
-nosafe Disable safe mode
-nosigcatch Don't catch signals
-npipe [file] Read data from named pipe on startup
-nxy [nxy_file] Assume data file is in X Y1 Y2 Y3 ...
-printfile [file for hardcopy output] Save print output to file
-results [results_file] Write results of some data
                                        to results_file
-safe Safe mode (default)
-saveall [save_file] Save all to save_file
-seed [seed_value] Integer seed for random number
-source [disk|pipe] Source type of next data file
-timer [delay] Set allowed time slice for real time
                                        inputs to delay ms
-settype [xy|xydx|...] Set the type of the next data file
-version Show the program version
-wd [directory] Set the working directory
-usage|-help This message

 ** If it scrolls too fast, run `xmgrace -help | more' **

          Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
          EML Research gGmbH
          Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group
          Villa Bosch
          Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
          69118 Heidelberg
          Phone: +49-6221-533266
          Fax: +49-6221-533298
          Additional info: my home page