VMD-L Mailing List
From: Paul R Brenner (pbrenne1_at_nd.edu)
Date: Mon Jan 31 2005 - 22:11:28 CST
- Next message: Olaf Lenz: "VMD vs. BALLview?"
- Previous message: Jeffery: "Re: Matrix in VMD"
- Next in thread: Jan Saam: "Re: Outputing Dihedral Indexes for key structures (backbone, alpha-helix, etc...)"
- Reply: Jan Saam: "Re: Outputing Dihedral Indexes for key structures (backbone, alpha-helix, etc...)"
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Is it possible to use VMD to output index information for the dihedrals of a
molecule. I see that I can use the get function within atomselect to get the
angle values (phi,psi) but what I am looking for is an index.
(I then plan to align these indexes with those assigned by a molecular dynamics
program to selectively restrict their variation.)
Thanks for any pointers,
Paul R Brenner
Graduate Research Associate
Computer Science and Engineering
The University of Notre Dame
- Next message: Olaf Lenz: "VMD vs. BALLview?"
- Previous message: Jeffery: "Re: Matrix in VMD"
- Next in thread: Jan Saam: "Re: Outputing Dihedral Indexes for key structures (backbone, alpha-helix, etc...)"
- Reply: Jan Saam: "Re: Outputing Dihedral Indexes for key structures (backbone, alpha-helix, etc...)"
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