VMD-L Mailing List
From: Kevin Wittkowski (kevin.wittkowski_at_epfl.ch)
Date: Fri Jun 14 2024 - 02:43:55 CDT
- Next message: Jacob Graham: "Potential Bug Using NAMD Energy Plugin from the Command Line"
- Previous message: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: bonding across periodic walls"
- In reply to: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: bonding across periodic walls"
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Dear Giacomo,
thanks for your kind reply.
If I use topo addbond as you suggest, what should I use as a source and destination for the bond?
Let's imagine I have a simple structure of 9 atoms in a square grid like this
Would you do
topo addbond 1 7
topo addbond 2 8
topo addbond 3 9
topo adddbon 1 3
topo addbond 4 6
topo addbond 7 9
or is there a way to specify that we want the periodic image of each atom to be taken? for example, the structure with a periodic image would be
1_2_3 1'_2'_3'
4_5_6 4'_5'_6'
7_8_9 7'_8'_9'
and the command (abusing a bit the notation)
topo addbond 3 1'
topo addbond 6 4'
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kevin Wittkowski
ME D2 2715
1015 Lausanne
Da: giacomo.fiorin_at_gmail.com <giacomo.fiorin_at_gmail.com>
Inviato: giovedì 13 giugno 2024 23:37:32
A: Kevin Wittkowski
Cc: vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu
Oggetto: Re: vmd-l: bonding across periodic walls
Hi Kevin, I have personally used in a paper<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://doi.org/10.1080/00268976.2021.1948122__;!!DZ3fjg!6EOV0mHcW2gxm8LMsTt4mz8xVDQNbzgvc1q5JdPG7adNF3PG2Nu5nTlRIvv-bIyFxqpqMfKF7-Jp0IWFRmnzeO3G2noSdQ$ > the "topo addbond" command to create bonds that straddle a periodic boundary:
VMD may not visualize them in the clearest way, but they ran fine for simulation.
On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 5:34 PM Kevin Wittkowski <kevin.wittkowski_at_epfl.ch<mailto:kevin.wittkowski_at_epfl.ch>> wrote:
Dear Sir, Madam
using VMD with the graphene and nanotube tcl commands and using TopoTools and the .inp file attached, I created the structure you find in attachments.
It is constituted of 4 graphene layers and a carbon nanotube.
By inspection in VMD, the bonds created internally are correct, however, I would like to create also the bonds that wrap around the periodic box.
How can I perform this operation?
Thanks beforehand.
Best regards,
Kevin Wittkowski
ME D2 2715
1015 Lausanne
- Next message: Jacob Graham: "Potential Bug Using NAMD Energy Plugin from the Command Line"
- Previous message: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: bonding across periodic walls"
- In reply to: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: bonding across periodic walls"
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