From: Andrew Dalke (
Date: Tue Mar 25 1997 - 03:03:32 CST

And I forgot to mention,

> What are some cool things?

As discussed in a previous VMDTech, the hot-keys now recognize the
Alt- and Ctrl- modifiers. We added quite a few new default key
combinations (which, by the way, flushed out a bug). The complete
list is in $VMDDIR/scripts/vmd/hotkeys.tcl so here are some highlights.

  vi- and emacs- like controls for rotating up/down/left/right
    that back VMDTech describes how they work

  Ctrl-a and Ctrl-z change the zoom

  all of the menus can be turned on with "Alt-<letter>" where the
    letter is first character of the menu, so Alt-a is the animate
    menu, and Alt-g opens the graphics menu. The exception is the
    main menu, which is Alt-M instead of Alt-m, which is the mol
    window. You can remember this because it is the MAIN menu.

  [ and ] go to the first and last frames of the animation

                                                Andrew Dalke