VMD-L Mailing List
From: Tvedt, Nathan (ntvedt2_at_illinois.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 29 2024 - 14:03:14 CDT
- Next message: Sam Fredrick: "Index extractor Python Code"
- Previous message: Josh Vermaas: "Re: Atoms poorly guessed after applying a patch in Psfgen"
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Hello VMD users,
I'm having issues using membrane mixer, I am getting an error when it tries to equilibrate. I'm posting the error message for your reference-
Equilibration 1
Use final lipid position as grid position
Generating force grid...Warning: guessing atomic number for atoms with unknown element...
can't read "toplist": no such variable
I'm using VMD version 1.9.4a55 (October 19, 2021) on Ubuntu 18.04.6. I tried using VMD 1.9.4 (04 27 2022) but the error still persists.
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated. Thank you.
Nathan Tvedt
- Next message: Sam Fredrick: "Index extractor Python Code"
- Previous message: Josh Vermaas: "Re: Atoms poorly guessed after applying a patch in Psfgen"
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