VMD-L Mailing List
From: Eduardo Estevez (eduardo45pr_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sat Oct 01 2022 - 06:52:56 CDT
- Next message: Raman Preet Singh: "Label all atoms using script"
- Previous message: Chan, Matthew: "VMD1.9.4a57 crashes when main console moved to second display"
- Next in thread: Josh Vermaas: "Re: How to calculate number of water molecules close to a nanostructure"
- Reply: Josh Vermaas: "Re: How to calculate number of water molecules close to a nanostructure"
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Dear VMD users
I am trying to calculate the number of water molecules that are 3 Å from a
nanoparticle (metal oxide), however I get an error *( atomselect: cannot
parse selection text: within 3 of atomselect0*) , I have the following Tk
*set outfile [open output.txt w]set nf [molinfo top get numframes]set tube
[atomselect top "type 3 4"]set water [atomselect top "type 1 2"]for {set
i 0} {$i<$nf} {incr i} { $tube frame $i $water frame $i $tube
update $water update set a [atomselect top "within 3 of $tube"
frame $i] puts $outfile "$i $water" }close $outfile *
- Next message: Raman Preet Singh: "Label all atoms using script"
- Previous message: Chan, Matthew: "VMD1.9.4a57 crashes when main console moved to second display"
- Next in thread: Josh Vermaas: "Re: How to calculate number of water molecules close to a nanostructure"
- Reply: Josh Vermaas: "Re: How to calculate number of water molecules close to a nanostructure"
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