From: fan li (
Date: Sun Mar 14 2021 - 13:12:00 CDT

it is a bug in vmd. Update to the 1.9.4 will solve the problem.

fan li <> 于2021年3月14日周日 下午5:03写道:

> Dear vmd users
> I built a structure of Analine with Molefacture in VMD, and changed the
> atom type according to the charmm 36 protein force field. Then I used the
> resulting PDB and PSF file to generate topology file using "topo
> writegmxtop [list par_all36_prot.prm]" then I got the below error.
> #######
> Please cite the following publication:
> invalid command name "..."
> ####
> it seems something wrong with the atoms name, but not sure. Could anyone
> help me? The files I used are attached