VMD-L Mailing List
From: Isuru Herath (ish9_at_cornell.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 29 2020 - 10:22:56 CST
- Next message: Isuru Herath: "Re: Readpsf Error"
- Previous message: Aravinda Munasinghe: "Re: Readpsf Error"
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Oh okay, that makes sense now. Thank you very much! Using the MergeStruct
plugin automatically prompted me to change the segids.
Thank you,
Isuru Herath
On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 11:20 AM Aravinda Munasinghe <aravinda1879_at_gmail.com>
> It is not that you must have unique segIDs in a molecule, but must have
> unique segids in one segment. You can have multiple segments in one
> molecule (Ie. each chain with a different segname). What you can do is to
> use simple VMD commands to rename the segnames.
> i.e. set aa [atomselect top "segname AP1"]
> $aa set segname T1
> and write the new PSF and PDB and use them to join structures,
> You can use CHARMM-GUI to make PSF and PDB files, it also automatically
> adds missing atoms (including Hs). Just make sure to use segnames that are
> not common when you are using your script.
> Best,
> AM
> Aravinda Munasinghe
> On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 10:38 AM Isuru Herath <ish9_at_cornell.edu> wrote:
>> Thank you for all the information. I am still not quite clear on how one
>> molecule should only have unique resids. I used the Automatic PSF Builder
>> in VMD, and that was the result. I ended up using the CHARMM-GUI PDB Reader
>> to generate the psf and pdb files for this protein, and the script ran
>> without errors. Is that correct? That also had multiple lines for each
>> resid. Thanks again for your help.
>> On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 10:30 AM Aravinda Munasinghe <
>> aravinda1879_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So make sure you dont have resid 26 and segname AP1 in the other
>>> structure you are trying to load. To merge structures you can also use the
>>> MergeStructs Plugin it can handle most conflicts.
>>> https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/plugins/mergestructs/
>>> Aravinda Munasinghe
>>> On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 10:24 AM Isuru Herath <ish9_at_cornell.edu> wrote:
>>>> Correction: instead of step1_pdbreader.psf I used the model.000.01.Alig_autopsf.psf
>>>> file.
>>>> On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 9:56 AM Isuru Herath <ish9_at_cornell.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for your response, I was trying to combine two PSF files for
>>>>> two proteins into one. One of them ran without errors, but with this one I
>>>>> got an error. The script for combining them looked like this:
>>>>> "package require psfgen
>>>>> resetpsf
>>>>> readpsf protein_autopsf.psf
>>>>> readpsf step1_pdbreader.psf
>>>>> coordpdb protein_autopsf.pdb
>>>>> coordpdb step1_pdbreader.pdb
>>>>> writepsf all.psf
>>>>> writepdb all.pdb
>>>>> puts "HE TERMINADO!!!!"
>>>>> quit"
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 7:03 PM Peter Freddolino <petefred_at_umich.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Could you please let us know in what context you're using the readpsf
>>>>>> command? What are you trying to do? In most usage cases (eg, if you're
>>>>>> trying to load a molecule for visualization), what you're actually looking
>>>>>> for is
>>>>>> mol new model.000.01.Alig_autopsf.psf
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 3:42 PM Isuru Herath <ish9_at_cornell.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I was trying to run the command
>>>>>>> "readpsf model.000.01.Alig_autopsf.psf." This resulted in the following
>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>> "psfgen) reading structure from psf file
>>>>>>> model.000.01.Alig_autopsf.psf
>>>>>>> psfgen) duplicate topology file model.000.01_autopsf-temp.top
>>>>>>> psfgen) Unable to add (duplicate?) residue AP1:26
>>>>>>> MOLECULE DESTROYED BY FATAL ERROR! Use resetpsf to start over."
>>>>>>> I would really appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this.
>>>>>>> The beginning of the model.000.01.Alig_autopsf.psf file looks like
>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>> PSF
>>>>>>> 9 !NTITLE
>>>>>>> REMARKS original generated structure x-plor psf file
>>>>>>> REMARKS 4 patches were applied to the molecule.
>>>>>>> REMARKS topology model.000.01_autopsf-temp.top
>>>>>>> REMARKS segment AP1 { first NTER; last CTER; auto angles dihedrals }
>>>>>>> REMARKS segment AP2 { first NTER; last CTER; auto angles dihedrals }
>>>>>>> REMARKS patch CTER AP1:68
>>>>>>> REMARKS patch NTER AP1:26
>>>>>>> REMARKS patch CTER AP2:108
>>>>>>> REMARKS patch NTER AP2:73
>>>>>>> 765 !NATOM
>>>>>>> 1 AP1 26 PHE HT1 HC 0.350000 1.0080
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 2 AP1 26 PHE HT2 HC 0.350000 1.0080
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 3 AP1 26 PHE N NH3 -0.300000 14.0070
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 4 AP1 26 PHE HT3 HC 0.350000 1.0080
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 5 AP1 26 PHE CA CH1E 0.250000 13.0190
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 6 AP1 26 PHE CB CH2E 0.000000 14.0270
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 7 AP1 26 PHE CG C 0.000000 12.0110
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 8 AP1 26 PHE CD1 CR1E 0.000000 13.0190
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 9 AP1 26 PHE CD2 CR1E 0.000000 13.0190
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 10 AP1 26 PHE CE1 CR1E 0.000000 13.0190
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 11 AP1 26 PHE CE2 CR1E 0.000000 13.0190
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 12 AP1 26 PHE CZ CR1E 0.000000 13.0190
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 13 AP1 26 PHE C C 0.550000 12.0110
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 14 AP1 26 PHE O O -0.550000 15.9990
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 15 AP1 27 ASP N NH1 -0.350000 14.0070
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 16 AP1 27 ASP H H 0.250000 1.0080
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 17 AP1 27 ASP CA CH1E 0.100000 13.0190
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> 18 AP1 27 ASP CB CH2E -0.160000 14.0270
>>>>>>> 0"
>>>>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Isuru
- Next message: Isuru Herath: "Re: Readpsf Error"
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