VMD-L Mailing List
From: miyatake_at_riken.jp
Date: Wed Nov 04 2020 - 02:51:09 CST
- Next message: yjcoshc: "Re: VMD 1.9.4 a48 fails to build from source"
- Previous message: miyatake_at_riken.jp: "Pulling vector direction in SMD"
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Dear VMD users,
How can we control the pulling direction in steered MD (SMD)
In my MDs, I want to interact two proteins (A + B —> A:B) by
Controling the direction of pulling of B to A in SMD.
Thank you.
- Next message: yjcoshc: "Re: VMD 1.9.4 a48 fails to build from source"
- Previous message: miyatake_at_riken.jp: "Pulling vector direction in SMD"
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