From: Prathit Chatterjee (
Date: Thu Oct 22 2020 - 06:11:34 CDT

Dear VMD Experts,

This is again regarding failing to load the AMBER parameter files in VMD, while coordinate files could be loaded, as follows:
vmd > mol new WT_Ab42.parmERROR) Could not read file WT_Ab42.parmUnable to load file 'WT_Ab42.parm' using file type 'parm'.
vmd > mol new WT_Ab42.PARMERROR) Could not read file WT_Ab42.PARMUnable to load file 'WT_Ab42.PARM' using file type 'parm'.
vmd > mol new WT_Ab42_initial.crd type parmERROR) Could not read file WT_Ab42_initial.crdUnable to load file 'WT_Ab42_initial.crd' using file type 'parm'.
vmd > mol new parmCould not determine file type for file '' from its extension.vmd > mol new type parmERROR) Could not read file WT_Ab42.topUnable to load file '' using file type 'parm'.

But, I could load the coordinate file as follows  (by loading the corresponding pdb file as reference initially):

vmd > mol new WT_Ab42_initial.pdbInfo) Using plugin pdb for structure file WT_Ab42_initial.pdbInfo) Using plugin pdb for coordinates from file WT_Ab42_initial.pdbInfo) Determining bond structure from distance search ...Info) Analyzing structure ...Info)    Atoms: 40881Info)    Bonds: 27528Info)    Angles: 0  Dihedrals: 0  Impropers: 0  Cross-terms: 0Info)    Bondtypes: 0  Angletypes: 0  Dihedraltypes: 0  Impropertypes: 0Info)    Residues: 13462Info)    Waters: 13356Info)    Segments: 1Info)    Fragments: 13360   Protein: 1   Nucleic: 00Info) Finished with coordinate file WT_Ab42_initial.pdb.vmd > mol addfile WT_Ab42_initial.crd type crdInfo) Using plugin crd for coordinates from file WT_Ab42_initial.crd0Info) Finished with coordinate file WT_Ab42_initial.crd------=_Part_1747096_1987408937.1603365094405--