VMD-L Mailing List
From: mohammad rezaei (rezaei.m.p_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon May 04 2020 - 05:54:47 CDT
- Next message: Oleksii Zdorevskyi: "Re: compiling VMD with cuda from source"
- Previous message: Ivana: "coloured surface"
- Next in thread: Dallas Warren: "Re: error with make movie"
- Reply: Dallas Warren: "Re: error with make movie"
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Dear all user VMD
I tried to make a movie with VMD(by VMD Movie Generator)
when I push Make Movie button, The VMD creates snapshots and In the final
deleted all of them but there is not any movie file in the final.
I tried to format but both of them can not make a movie in the final.
This is the log of VMD TkConsole:
Converting frames to MPEG-1 video format
ffmpeg -an -i /home/mohammad/cluster.%05d.ppm -vcodec mpeg1video -r 24
-vframes 4801 /home/mohammad/cluster.mpg
Cleaning generated data, frames, and encoder parameter files
Movie generation complete.
best regards
*Mohammad Rezaei Pandari*
Ph.D student
Laser and Plasma Research Institute Shahid Beheshti University
1983963113 Evin, Tehran, I.R. Iran
*t:* + 98 21 2990 4039
*e:* m_pandari_at_sbu.ac.ir
*gmail:* rezaei.m.p_at_gmail.com
- Next message: Oleksii Zdorevskyi: "Re: compiling VMD with cuda from source"
- Previous message: Ivana: "coloured surface"
- Next in thread: Dallas Warren: "Re: error with make movie"
- Reply: Dallas Warren: "Re: error with make movie"
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