VMD-L Mailing List
From: Luc Boisvert (lboisvert_at_pugetsound.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 18 2019 - 17:36:22 CDT
- Next message: #YEO JINGJIE#: "Re: Errors in FFTK during bond opt using VMD 1.9.4a37"
- Previous message: Walter Rocchia: "exporting 3D model of a volume-based colored mesh"
- In reply to: Walter Rocchia: "exporting 3D model of a volume-based colored mesh"
- Next in thread: Luciano Abriata: "RE: exporting 3D model of a volume-based colored mesh"
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Hi Walter,
What you mention might be related to some of what is in the following thread:
I still haven't been able to export from VMD in any 3D format a 3D molecule with an electrostatic potential mesh. I very much hope there is a way to do it in VMD that I haven't discovered! After trying a bunch of stuff with a bunch of programs, the only option I have found so far to generate a 3D structure file with an electrostatic potential mesh is to generate the structure in JMol and then export it as .wrl. Then this can be opened in Autodesk 3ds Max (and nothing else!) and converted to another 3d format. (By comparison, exporting a 3D electrostatic potential mesh as .wrl or .obj in VMD doesn't render the colors correctly.)
From: owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu <owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu> On Behalf Of Walter Rocchia
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 2:10 PM
To: vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu
Subject: vmd-l: exporting 3D model of a volume-based colored mesh
I would like to export the mesh of a surface created in VMD and colored based on a electrostatic potential. The final aim would be to have a 3D model on it (e.g. a .u3d format)
I tried most of the output options provided by VMD, including wavefront .obj and .mtl files. When the surface is colored with a colorID, it seems to work.
In contrast, when I loaded these files in Meshlab, it seemed that the information of the color was missing?
Is there any way to do it correctly?
Thank you
Walter Rocchia, PhD, Head
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Phone: +39 010 2897418
- Next message: #YEO JINGJIE#: "Re: Errors in FFTK during bond opt using VMD 1.9.4a37"
- Previous message: Walter Rocchia: "exporting 3D model of a volume-based colored mesh"
- In reply to: Walter Rocchia: "exporting 3D model of a volume-based colored mesh"
- Next in thread: Luciano Abriata: "RE: exporting 3D model of a volume-based colored mesh"
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