VMD-L Mailing List
From: Bassam Haddad (bhaddad_at_pdx.edu)
Date: Thu Jul 25 2019 - 16:45:32 CDT
- Next message: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: Scripting with volumes"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: sub : considering waters with in 5A of solute"
- Next in thread: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: Scripting with volumes"
- Reply: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: Scripting with volumes"
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Hello All,
I am trying to analyze some MD trajectories by comparing the individual
side-chain locations to experimentally determined CryoEM densities. I want
to write a script that essentially checks if a residue is at least 50% (50%
of the residues atoms) within the .mrc (volume file) at a pre-determined
I can imagine doing something like this in Python using MDAnalysis &
gridData, however I would much rather use TCL/VMD. Is this possible in VMD?
Thank you in advance!
Bassam Haddad
- Next message: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: Scripting with volumes"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: sub : considering waters with in 5A of solute"
- Next in thread: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: Scripting with volumes"
- Reply: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: Scripting with volumes"
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