From: Vermaas, Joshua (
Date: Thu Aug 02 2018 - 09:12:47 CDT

Hi Peter,

Moving the window so that it hangs off to the corner before you resize it doesn't work for you? Otherwise, just make a script to set up all the viewing options you want and run VMD in text mode with a resolution argument passed on the command line.


On 2018-08-02 04:03:28-06:00 Peter Kroon wrote:

Hi Josh,

thanks for the quick reply. The external render does have DoF options.
And you're right about the orthographic projection; that doesn't work; I
use a simple perspective projection.

As for the f/stop value: the meaning is inverted between the OptiX
renderer and internal (and external) Tachyon renderer. E.g. with OptiX I
find 89.0 to be a sane value, but with Tachyon that gives me a super
blurry image. Setting it to 0.01124 (1/89) gives a similar image.

But the largest problem remains to get the internal or OptiX render to
give me an image at a resolution larger than the window size.


On 01-08-18 13:02, Vermaas, Joshua wrote:
> The external renderer doesn't have depth of field options as far as
> I'm aware. The source for 0.99b6 is from early 2013, which may be too
> old for the feature to exist. Another potential problem is using an
> orthographic projection, for which the depth of field parameter was
> only recently enabled. If the Internal renderer is giving problems,
> just set your aperture values via the command line if you've got
> something close by testing with OptiX on a smaller resolution (display
> dof_fnumber), as I agree that clicking on the values a bunch of times
> is not a good use of anyone's time.
> -Josh
> On 2018-08-01 04:18:17-06:00 wrote:
> Hi all!
> I sent this mail earlier, but I think it got buried in everyone's
> holidays. Does anyone who's just come back from their well-earned
> holidays and conferences have any insights?
> Peter
> On 09-07-18 16:36, Peter Kroon wrote:
> > Hello world!
> >
> >
> > I would like to turn a VMD scene into a pretty picture. I want this
> > picture to be high resolution (~3315x4000px), and using AO and Depth of
> > Field. I have tried the following, continually running into issues:
> >
> > 1) Use Tachyon-OptiX: I can't put the desired resolution. If I do, it
> > fails immediately with a memory error. See also
> >
> >
> > 2) Use Tachyon internal: Creates a super fuzzy picture, probably because
> > the meaning of 'Aperture' changed from 'x' to '1/x'.
> >
> > 3) Use external Tachyon renderer: If I fix the 'Aperture'; and changing
> > FocalDist to FocalLength I *almost* get the picture I want, but it seems
> > the FocalLength option is simply ignored (see also
> > This
> > happens with both 0.98.9 and 0.99b6.
> >
> > Does anyone have anything else I can try? I build all the software from
> > source, in case it matters.
> >
> >
> > Peter
> >