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From: SHAHEE ISLAM (islamshahee_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Mar 16 2018 - 09:20:03 CDT
- Next message: SHAHEE ISLAM: "Re: how to merge two pdb in a single file"
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- Next in thread: SHAHEE ISLAM: "Re: how to merge two pdb in a single file"
- Reply: SHAHEE ISLAM: "Re: how to merge two pdb in a single file"
- Reply: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: how to merge two pdb in a single file"
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I have a pdb and i want to form a pdb file which consists of the same pdb
and which are 30 angstrom away from each other.How i will do this in vmd.
Can anyone please help me.
Thanking you
Shaheee Islam
University of calcuta
- Next message: SHAHEE ISLAM: "Re: how to merge two pdb in a single file"
- Previous message: Anna Petroff: "Re: non-heme iron coordination with His in NAMD2"
- Next in thread: SHAHEE ISLAM: "Re: how to merge two pdb in a single file"
- Reply: SHAHEE ISLAM: "Re: how to merge two pdb in a single file"
- Reply: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: how to merge two pdb in a single file"
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