From: Jerry Ebalunode (
Date: Fri Jun 11 2004 - 09:56:51 CDT

Hi John,

Since you provided me the link to access the vmd alpha releases for gentoo
linux amd64, I have been been installing and testing every alpha release for
linux i386 and linux x86_64 (either on fedora, yoper, or redhat or gentoo
linux ditribution), by doing my day to day vmd routines.
Let me know what sought of tests need to be done and where to access the alpha
relases if they are different from the one you shown me earlier.

   On Friday 11 June 2004 11:33 am, John Stone wrote:
> Hi,
> In the very near future I would like to find a few people
> that can test some new builds of VMD 1.8.3 for Linux.
> In particular, I'm looking for people that have access to a
> variety of Linux machines running different distributions.
> The reason for this is because we were recently forced to
> upgrade our Linux compile box to a newer version, and thus
> the new VMD binaries I produce probably won't work on anything
> older than the original Redhat 9 distribution or thereabouts.
> That being said, I'd still like to find out how interoperable
> the binaries I'm able to produce here are going to be so that
> if there are problems I can start working on solutions before
> it is time to release VMD 1.8.3. So, if you're willing to try
> out VMD 1.8.3 test versions on a few Linux machines with various
> distributions, please send me an email.
> Thanks!!!
> John Stone

Jerry Ebalunode
Ph.D. Candidate
RM 402F Houston Science Center
Phone: 713-743-8367
Dept. of Biology and Biochemistry
University of Houston
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, TX 77204