VMD-L Mailing List
From: Philippe Bopp (philippebopp_at_REMOVE_yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Dec 01 2017 - 11:27:33 CST
- Next message: Yanxiao Han: "VMD interface and TkConsole font"
- Previous message: Aashish Bhatt: "Regarding RDF calculation"
- In reply to: Aashish Bhatt: "Regarding RDF calculation"
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Hi Aashish
if your VMD gets stuck, presumably because of memory, try loading
every n'th configuration instead of every configuration from yourconfiguration file; this is probably good enough for rdf-calculations
you can specify every how-many'th configuration to load (the stride)
at the bottom of the 'new molecule' panel.
I have 100ns trajectory i want calculate RDF but due to limited resource if i upload more than 50ns in VMD, Its stop.how can i do this calculation to get correct RDF value for continuous 100ns.
Actually I want RDF analysis by the help of rdf.tcl script. I have amber topology file (.prmtop .parm7) and dcd file. When i am write the mol new parm7 fil.parmtop is not taking through TK console. So can you guide me how can giving the name topology file in the script.
Aashish BhattINST-Mohali
- Next message: Yanxiao Han: "VMD interface and TkConsole font"
- Previous message: Aashish Bhatt: "Regarding RDF calculation"
- In reply to: Aashish Bhatt: "Regarding RDF calculation"
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