VMD-L Mailing List
From: FX (fxcoudert_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Dec 02 2016 - 05:25:07 CST
- Next message: Denilson F. Oliveira: "(no subject)"
- Previous message: Eiros Zamora, Juan: "Re: CUDA acceleration for Tachyon rendering?"
- Next in thread: FX: "Some macOS code simplification"
- Reply: FX: "Some macOS code simplification"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: VMD 1.9.3 on 64-bit macOS"
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I have tried a build of VMD 1.9.3 from source on 64-bit macOS (Sierra = 10.12 = the latest version).
The build succeeds, but I am seeing two issues when I run the binary. I am writing here to see if anyone has a hint about those:
1. the OpenGL display is not updated/redrawn on mouse or keyboard events. The display is stuck. All actions (mouse or keyboard I do) take place but the scene is not redrawn. The only way I have found to force a redraw is to change the display window size.
2. I get messages that "The irspecgui package could not be loaded” (and others: multiseq, networkview, pmepot_gui, autoionizegui, solvate, autopsf, cggui, dowser_gui, chirality_gui, cispeptide_gui, forcefieldtoolkit, mdff_gui, membrane, mergestructs, molefacture, mutator, alascan, autoimd, qwikmd). I don’t get any actual error or log from those.
The build is "make macosx.x86_64.opengl”, with fltk-1.3.4-1.
- Next message: Denilson F. Oliveira: "(no subject)"
- Previous message: Eiros Zamora, Juan: "Re: CUDA acceleration for Tachyon rendering?"
- Next in thread: FX: "Some macOS code simplification"
- Reply: FX: "Some macOS code simplification"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: VMD 1.9.3 on 64-bit macOS"
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