VMD-L Mailing List
From: Mayne, Christopher G (cmayne2_at_illinois.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 26 2015 - 19:29:41 CDT
- Next message: sunyeping: "how to measure the thickness of the water shell"
- Previous message: Aris Marcolongo: "Re: script for plotting trajectories"
- In reply to: Stojanoski, Vlatko: "CHARMM parameters for iodide and bromide"
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The CHARMM General Forcefield (CGenFF) provides coverage for aryl iodide and aryl bromide, as well as some alkyl bromides. I suggest looking through the CGenFF topology file to see if you can find something workable.
Christopher Mayne
On Oct 23, 2015, at 12:10 PM, Stojanoski, Vlatko <stojanos_at_bcm.edu<mailto:stojanos_at_bcm.edu>> wrote:
Dear vmd users,
How do I go about and create parameters for iodide and bromide ions?
I tried to find out on my own but no luck. Before it was suggested to me that I should look at thehttp://mackerell.umaryland.edu/charmm_ff.shtml
Since these are initial ions, I tried generating psf files using psfgen in order to proceed and use ffTK to generate the missing parameters but psfgen fails with error message(iodide in this case):
psfgen) Info: generating structure...psfgen) unknown residue type IOD failed!
I'm not sure what the residue type for iodide is?
I also, try to look this up but no luck.
Any suggestions or reference pointing to the right direction will be greatly appreciated. Thank you beforehand!