VMD-L Mailing List
From: Mohammad Khalkhali (khalkhal_at_ualberta.ca)
Date: Thu Dec 04 2014 - 19:25:50 CST
- Next message: Cun Zhang: "Re: How can I get the path of the TOP molecule in the tcl console?"
- Previous message: Mayne, Christopher G: "Re: FFTK-Opt.Bonded-empty string error_VMD1.9.2Beta"
- Next in thread: Cun Zhang: "Re: How can I get the path of the TOP molecule in the tcl console?"
- Reply: Cun Zhang: "Re: How can I get the path of the TOP molecule in the tcl console?"
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Dear VMD community:
I wonder if anyone knows how how I can get the path of a loaded trajectory
in the TCL console. I have a tcl code which changes some of atoms'
properties in the loaded trajectory dynamically and then I used these
properties to color my molecules. This code reads a data file which is in
the same directory the trajectory file directory. I have to change the path
in my tcl code manually every time I load a new trajectory file. If I can
get the path of TOP molecule somehow, I won't have to change the path of
the data file each time. I would appreciate it if you would help me with
-- *Please consider the environment before printing this email* Mohammad Khalkhali (MK) PhD Candidate Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Alberta 11421 - Saskatchewan Drive The National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) Building Edmonton, AB T6G 2M9 Office Number: 5-08 Tel: (780) 492-8775 khalkhal_at_ualberta.ca <https://www.linkedin.com/pub/mohammad-khalkhali/48/514/656>
- Next message: Cun Zhang: "Re: How can I get the path of the TOP molecule in the tcl console?"
- Previous message: Mayne, Christopher G: "Re: FFTK-Opt.Bonded-empty string error_VMD1.9.2Beta"
- Next in thread: Cun Zhang: "Re: How can I get the path of the TOP molecule in the tcl console?"
- Reply: Cun Zhang: "Re: How can I get the path of the TOP molecule in the tcl console?"
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