VMD-L Mailing List
From: Rajan Vatassery (rajan_at_umn.edu)
Date: Thu Dec 15 2011 - 16:30:47 CST
- Next message: Rajan Vatassery: "Re: Solvating with Nonaqueous Solvent"
- Previous message: Bryan Roessler: "Multiple Stream Files: What Order?"
- In reply to: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Solvating with Nonaqueous Solvent"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Solvating with Nonaqueous Solvent"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Solvating with Nonaqueous Solvent"
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Dear Axel,
Thanks for your response. This is the function I need:
set combined [TopoTools::mergemols "$solute $solvent"]
However, because I use an instance of VMD that is installed on the MSI
supercomputing center, I have to wait for stable releases of the VMD
client. I'm looking forward to the topotools package updates being
included into the next stable release because it seems that the
mergemols routine will be useful.
In order to solvate the molecule, I simply used the Merge script from
the GUI's "Extensions -> Modeling" to merge the two molecules together
into one set of files (one psf and one pdb). Then I used the command
set sel1 [atomselect top "segid TTH or (segid QQQ and (not same residue
as within 1.5 of segid TTH))"]
although it seems that I could have used the "exwithin" keyword to write
the same command more concisely.
Thanks again,
On Tue, 2011-12-13 at 15:16 -0500, Axel Kohlmeyer wrote:
> rajan,
> how about using this script (just whipped together in a few minutes)?
> this can be run in textmode, but you have to install
> a recent alpha test version of VMD or update the
> topotools plugin with the latest version from here:
> http://sites.google.com/site/akohlmey/software/topotools#TOC-Installation
> you cannot have a selection that crosses multiple molecules,
> but can easily combine multiple molecules, even if the atoms
> overlap and *then* detect the overlapping atoms using "exwithin"
> and make it remove entire molecules with "same fragment as".
> HTH,
> axel.
> =============================
> #!/usr/local/bin/vmd -e
> package require topotools 1.2
> # minimum required distance between atoms
> set mindist 2.5
> # load both molecules
> set solute [mol new TerthioPSFGEN50_D.psf waitfor all]
> mol addfile MDRun50_D.pdb mol $solute waitfor all
> set solvent [mol new 3cBoxCH2Cl2.psf waitfor all]
> mol addfile 3cEqOPLSCH2Cl2.pdb mol $solvent waitfor all
> set combined [TopoTools::mergemols "$solute $solvent"]
> # transfer box dimensions, if available.
> molinfo $combined set {a b c alpha beta gamma} [molinfo $solvent get
> {a b c alpha beta gamma}
> set sel [atomselect $solute all]
> # define a macro that make it easy to determine the solute
> atomselect macro solute "index < [$sel num]"
> $sel delete
> set sel [atomselect $combined "not (same fragment as (exwithin
> $mindist of solute))"]
> $sel writepsf merged.psf
> $sel writepdb merged.pdb
> # uncomment if run in text mode.
> #after 1000 {quit}
> ====================================
> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Rajan Vatassery <rajan_at_umn.edu> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have been trying to solvate a molecule with CH2Cl2 (the OPLS 3-site
> > model), but I haven't been able to get the solvate (version 1.3) plugin
> > to work. My problem is a bit easier than what the solvate plugin is
> > built for so I am constrained to this plugin.
> > Specifically, I have a molecule that I have minimized in vacuum. I know
> > the dimensions of this molecule (from minmax) so I created a solvent box
> > that would encompass the molecule with the solvent padding that I
> > wanted. Ideally I would like to merge the two pdb files together, and
> > have a simple algorithm to remove close contacts then writepdb and
> > writepsf. However, I cannot figure out a way to do this. Here's what I
> > have tried:
> > *****
> > Solvate plugin command:
> >
> > solvate TerthioPSFGEN50_D.psf MDRun50_D.pdb -o solvateD -s CU -minmax
> > {{-27.30 -27.30 -27.30} {27.3 27.32 27.32}} -x 0 -y 0 -z 0 +x 0 +y 0 +z
> > 0 -b 2 -spdb 3cEqOPLSCH2Cl2.pdb -spsf 3cBoxCH2Cl2.psf -stop
> > 3cEqOPLSCH2Cl2.top -ws 85.976 -ks {{type CH2}}
> >
> > My files are:
> > Solute PSF: TerthioPSFGEN50_D.psf
> > Solute PDB: MDRun50_D.pdb
> > Solvent PDB: 3cEqOPLSCH2Cl2.pdb
> > Solvent PSF: 3cBoxCH2Cl2.psf
> > Solvent topology file: 3cEqOPLSCH2Cl2.top
> > Side length of the cubic solvent box is: 85.976 A
> > Each solvent molecule has a segid of QQQ and only one atom of type CH2
> >
> > This plugin does not seem to work with my solvent because it either does
> > not encompass the solute with solvent as expected, and if I play around
> > with the -ws or any of the other dimensions to make the
> > solvent encompass the solute, I get an error telling me about a bug.
> > This error comes up (I believe) exclusively when the solvent box is
> > replicated in a periodic fashion. I have tried just about every
> > combination of the numerical values in the command line, and nothing
> > seems to work.
> >
> > *****
> > Outside of the solvate.tcl script, I've tried a simple scripting
> > attempt:
> >
> > It seems that the operative line in the solvate.tcl script is:
> > set sel [atomselect top "segid QQQ and $keysel and same residue as \
> > (x < $xmin or x > $xmax or \
> > y < $ymin or y > $ymax or \
> > z < $zmin or z > $zmax or \
> > within $rwat of (not segid QQQ))"]
> >
> > so I tried to duplicate the "within" portion of this. What I realized is
> > that I think it is impossible to get two different IDs to interact with
> > each other.
> > I first loaded VMD with the command:
> > vmd MDRun50_D.pdb TerthioPSFGEN50_D.psf
> > and then I loaded the files 3cEqOPLSCH2Cl2.pdb and 3cBoxCH2Cl2.psf with
> > the "new molecule" GUI tool. This gave me the solute (MDRun50_D.pdb with
> > ID 0) and the solvent (3cEqOPLSCH2Cl2.pdb with ID 1) in the same VMD
> > Main window.
> > Is there any way that I can write the command:
> > set sel [atomselect 1 "within 2 of molid 0"]
> > in some other fashion? In the solvate.tcl script, line:
> > within $rwat of (not segid QQQ)
> > seems to be doing exactly what I need, but because the two PDBs are in
> > different IDs, I cannot use the same syntax. Am I stuck merging the
> > files by hand and then doing this elimination myself? I'll post all the
> > relevant files on
> > http://www.tc.umn.edu/~rajan/VMD-l.html
> > in a few minutes.
> >
> > Thanks for any help I can get.
> >
> > Rajan
> >
- Next message: Rajan Vatassery: "Re: Solvating with Nonaqueous Solvent"
- Previous message: Bryan Roessler: "Multiple Stream Files: What Order?"
- In reply to: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Solvating with Nonaqueous Solvent"
- Next in thread: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Solvating with Nonaqueous Solvent"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Solvating with Nonaqueous Solvent"
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