From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Sun Nov 06 2011 - 20:31:00 CST

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 8:26 PM, Casey Johnson <>wrote:

> Hi VMD users,
> I would like to make a tcl procedure that will set some data. The
> procedure I am trying to make is:
> proc process_atoms {atomselect_type, type, charge} {
> set type_wanted [atomselect top $atomselect_type]
> set_data $type_wanted $type $charge
> $type_wanted delete
> }
> I'm trying to call it like:
> process_atoms "name N' NH1 0.47

please note, that quoting in Tcl is done with either "" or {}
' is not allowed its function in shell script is taken over by {}.

> However when called, I get the error:
> can't read "atomselect_type": no such variable
> Pretty positive I'm missing some " or {.....any help would be great.

nope. lists - including argument lists - in Tcl are separated by whitespace
and not a comma. take those out and the error should vanish.


> Thanks

Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
College of Science and Technology
Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.