From: jnsong (
Date: Sat Jun 18 2011 - 01:25:15 CDT

Dear all,

I want to use catdcd to generate qpr format file. and the command is
catdcd -o 120.pqr -otype pqr -stype psf -s ribumd.psf -first 1 -last 5
-dcd ribu_eq_120.dcd

ribumd.psf is my psf file and ribu_eq_120.dcd is my dcd file.

But I got the following Warning:
CatDCD 4.0
Opening file '120.pqr' for writing.
pqrplugin) Warning no atom radii available, assigning radii of 1.0
dcdplugin) detected standard 32-bit DCD file of native endianness
dcdplugin) CHARMM format DCD file (also NAMD 2.1 and later)
Opened file 'ribu_eq_120.dcd' for reading.
Read 5 frames from file ribu_eq_120.dcd, wrote 5.
Total frames: 5
Frames written: 5
CatDCD exited normally.

In my file of 120.pqr, the radius of all atom is 1.0.

Do I have to provide addtional file that contain radius of all atom? If
so, how can I do this? What command line should I give to catdcd?

Thank you very much!


Jianing Song
Ph. D. Student 
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Sciences
Dept. Phys.
East China Normal University
3663 North Zhongshan Road
Shanghai, P. R. China