VMD-L Mailing List
From: John Stone (johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 17 2010 - 17:54:20 CDT
- Next message: Raul Araya: "Select non-redundant set using struture Qr not working"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Memory leak with "mol modselect" and index"
- In reply to: Rob: "Re: plugin for Abinit output files"
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I will add a "license" blurb at the top of your source file that
specifies this, as the VMD plugins get used by other projects and they
will need to be aware of this if they are doing something that's not
open source. I will make note your license restriction in caps so
it is hard to miss. I can't police use of your code by others, but
I'm happy to annotate your license restrictions in the source code itself.
John Stone
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 09:45:15PM -0700, Rob wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Rob <spamrefuse_at_yahoo.com>
> To: vmd <vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu>
> Sent: Mon, September 27, 2010 1:36:52 PM
> Subject: Re: plugin for Abinit output files
> Forgot to mention:
> You can include my code for as long as it is part of the open source project.
> (Hence: I do not allow my code to be part of any closed source project).
> Regards,
> Rob.
-- NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801 Email: johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu Phone: 217-244-3349 WWW: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~johns/ Fax: 217-244-6078
- Next message: Raul Araya: "Select non-redundant set using struture Qr not working"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Memory leak with "mol modselect" and index"
- In reply to: Rob: "Re: plugin for Abinit output files"
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