From: Thomas Evangelidis (
Date: Thu Jun 18 2009 - 15:34:51 CDT

Thanks buddy. That should work but I can find faster ways around, like
doing the translation to the geometric center and then the rotation
(which is actually what I do now):

set Sel [atomselect top all]
$Sel moveby [list $X0 $Y0 $Z0]
lappend qM [list $a1 $b1 $c1]
lappend qM [list $a2 $b2 $c2]
lappend qM [list $a3 $b3 $c3]
set M [trans_from_rotate $M]
$Sel move $M

I'm just curious to know how to do it with a 4x4 matrix directly.


> You could map the coordinates using the "set" command. You would
> need to, e.g., load the molecule twice, changing the coordinates of
> one based on the other. It would approximately work like this:
> set sel [atomselect 0 all]
> foreach ind [$sel get index] {
> set temp1 [atomselect 0 "index $ind"]
> set temp2 [atomselect 1 "index $ind"]
> $temp2 set x [expr -0.79814*([$temp1 get x]-99.4985) +
> -0.50649*([$temp1 get y]-55.308) + 0.32625*([$temp1 get z]-26.91025)]
> $temp2 set y [expr ....]
> $temp2 set z [expr ....]
> $temp1 delete
> $temp2 delete
> }
> You could also do the mapping in place (only loading one structure)
> by using intermediate variables for the new coordinates before
> setting them.
> The 4x4 transformation matrix you are using is composed of a 3x3
> rotation matrix and a translation vector (with the last row being as
> you have given it), so it might take some work to determine it for
> the transformation you want.
> On Jun 18, 2009, at 2:55 AM, Thomas Evangelidis wrote:
>> Dear VMD users,
>> I have the new coordinates of a protein in the following form:
>> X2 = -0.79814*(X1-99.4985) + -0.50649*(Y1-55.308) +
>> -0.32625*(Z1-26.91025)
>> Y2 = 0.40972*(X1-99.4985) + -0.85333*(Y1-55.308) +
>> 0.32243*(Z1-26.91025)
>> Z2 = -0.44171*(X1-99.4985) + 0.12367*(Y1-55.308) +
>> 0.88859*(Z1-26.91025)
>> So I set the following matrix for the transformation:
>> {{-0.79814 -0.50649 -0.32625 -99.4985} {0.40972 -0.85333 0.32243
>> -55.308} {-0.44171 0.12367 0.88859 -26.91025} {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0}}
>> but the molecule is moved to a completely different location than
>> the one it should be. I am confused, either the matrix or the
>> coordinates are wrong. Can anyone shed some light on this please?
>> thanks in advance,
>> Tom

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