Date: Thu Feb 26 2009 - 23:31:08 CST

Dear all:

I was playing with the "draw" command in VMD, and found it hard to use
two different drawing materials in the same script.

Here is my script :

# draw the plane
draw delete all
draw color 3
draw material Transparent
draw triangle $left_up $left_down $right_up
draw triangle $left_down $right_up $right_down

# draw x axis
draw color 1
draw material Opaque
vmd_draw_arrow $origin [vecadd $origin [vecscale 20 $unitx]] "x axis"
# draw y axis
draw color 7
vmd_draw_arrow $origin [vecadd $origin [vecscale 20 $unity]] "y axis"
# draw z axis
draw color 0
vmd_draw_arrow $origin [vecadd $origin [vecscale 20 $unitz]] "z axis"


The second command "draw material Opaque" will always overwrite the
first "Transparent" material.

Is it possible to use TWO different materials at all?

Thanks a lot.